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Personal Training

I am a level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer and can help with weight loss, muscle building, training for upcoming events like  marathons or 'tough mudder',  physical maintenance for those engaged in competitive sports, corrective exercise and all round fitness training. 

Sessions can be done Outdoors or a Gym Location    

  • Nutrition and Diet guidance
  • Weight loss exercise programs
  • Muscle building exercise programs
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Flexibility and Maintenance
  • Group Fitness 
  • Motivation when you need it most

Personal Training ethics

My training approach is directly influenced by the foundations of Yoga and that is to discover a true sense of Self in the whole race of life.  There is no idea in place that there is some perfect body to aspire toward or will there be any unrealistic ideals or goals supported.  There will be no extreme or tailored eating plans or diets to adhere to; I am in favor of proper balanced nourishment and self-control.  Getting to the bottom of the Nature of Self and finding Power & Clarity from this place will soon divulge an understanding that we need not be so unkind to ourselves - Attaining all we desire need not become such a daunting trial.  Life is beautiful when you learn...You are beautiful!


One to One

Guidance to help you reach your goals: 

  • Demonstration of each exercise so you can correctly carry out each move safely and effectively
  • Exercise programs specific for your body, fitness level and to target areas you need to build strength.
  • Sessions will be ever changing, challenging and engaging
  • Progress will be monitored throughout the training program and there will be catch up meetings where we can openly discuss everything from nutrition to simply what you might want to try or any difficulties one might be facing. 
  •  Unwavering support and attention to will be given every step of the way... 


The Nature of Self

How do you feel in yourself?

For my part, when I enter most intimately into what I call myself, I always stumble on some particular perception or other, of heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, pain or pleasure. I never catch myself at any time without a perception, and never can observe anything but the perception.“ - David Hume

So if all our associations with self is a perception, then what materials have we built these perceptions on, how did they make us feel, these experiences indented in our psyche manifested into who we are.

 We are a network of relationships forged by significant experiences (past and present), events, actions, people, places, things and connections - The self therefore becomes “a bundle of relationships.”And what we make of these relationships and do about them manifests who we are.

The most intricate & impressive piece of art we can ever produce is The Self 

We are Self Made - So the important questions remain - Who are you choosing to be? Is this the purest, most authentic  presentation of who you are or do you feel you may be too much of a product of your negative experiences.

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